About Dr. Paula Rossi Hedglon

Dr. Paula Rossi Hedglon’s chiropractic practice is located in Pompano Beach, Florida where she resides with her husband Michael and daughter Catherine. After graduating from Life Chiropractic College in September 1985, Dr. Paula worked as an associate doctor in Smyrna, Georgia until May 1987. She moved to Florida and opened her practice in July 1988.

Dr. Paula is active in many civic and chiropractic organizations. She is currently a board member and Past President of the Southern Chiropractic Association and is active with this organization’s “philosophy night” meetings in South Florida. She is currently serving on the Florida Chiropractic Society’s board of directors.

Dr. Paula operates a high-volume principled practice based on the DE principle of loving, serving and giving. She is a frequent a speaker at the Dynamic Essentials Seminars, as well as speaking at chiropractic philosophy nights in other states. She hosted a call-in radio show that broadcasted the message of principled chiropractic to South Florida. Dr. Paula has participated in four of the Chiropractic Panama Missions. Chiropractic is not what Dr. Paula does, it is her life. She practices with her heart and her passion for chiropractic is expressed every day in her practice.